(Left) The Human Resource Manager adressing New Staff and (Right)The Human Resource Manager, Western Region addressing New Staff

The Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipal Assembly in collaboration with the Western Regional Coordinating Council organised a Two   day Orientation programme for thirty Five (35) newly recruited Staff of the Assembly on 10-11th March, 2020. They included 2 Social Development Officers, 10 Administrative Officers, 6 Internal Auditors, 3 Budget Officers, 5 Agric Officers, 2 Librarians, 2 Drivers and 5 Procurement Officers. 


This was to fulfil the provision in the Human Resource Operational Manual which states that “All staff on first appointment shall be required to go through an induction and orientation programme while on probation to acquaint themselves with the operations and administrative procedures, office set-up and general environment of the organization”.

Participants were taken through Local Government Service Protocols (Conditions of Service, Code of Conduct, Scheme of Service, Service Delivery Standards, Performance Management and Human Resource Management Operational Manual), Overview of Decentralisation, Local Government System, Communication etc.

The programme was graced by the Municipal Chief Executive, and Municipal Coordinating Director. They encouraged staff to be Dependable, Honest, Proactive, to be team players, must be willing to work and punctual.


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Posted in Activities (Human Resource), Events.