The Department of Trade, Industry and Tourism under the guidance of the Assembly deals with issues related to trade, cottage industry and tourism in the Municipal.
The Department:
- Assist in the formulation of policies on trade and tourism in the municipal within the framework of national policy and guidelines;
- Facilitate the implementation of policies on trade, industry and tourism in the Municipal;
- Advise the Assembly on issues related to trade and industry;
- Assist in the collection and dissemination of tourism, trade and industry, statistical data and other information; and prevention of smuggling in collaboration with agencies responsible for internal security, Customs and Excise;
- Prepare and submit half-yearly reports on tourism, trade and industries to the Municipal Assembly;
- Assist in sourcing funding to support the implementation of programmes and projects to promote trade and industry in the Municipal;
- Facilitate the promotion and development of small scale industries in the Municipal;
- Advise on the provision of credit for micro, small-scale and medium scale enterprises;
- Assist to design, develop and implement a plan of action to meet the needs and expectations of organized groups;
- Co-ordinate the organization of field extension works to identify projects, collate relevant data, disseminate information and provide feedback information;
- Assist and facilitate the provision of infrastructure required to accelerate the implementation of policies or execution of programmes on trade and industry including estates in the Municipal;
- Assist in the establishment and management of rural small scale industries on commercial basis;
- Promote the formation of associations, co-operative groups and other organizations which are beneficial to the development of small-scale industries;
- Assist in offering business and trading advisory information services;
- Facilitate the promotion of tourism in the district;
- Assist to identify, undertake studies and document tourism sites in the district;
- Facilitate private sector participation in the development of tourism in the district;
- Compile a register of all trade , industry/associations in the district;
- Advise on prescription of conditions for the operation of markets by the private sector;
- Assist to regulate and control markets including the fixing and collection of stallage rents and tolls;
- Advise on licensing of petrol and gas services and filling stations in the Municipal;
- Advise the Assembly on the prohibition, restriction, regulation and licensing on the: manufacture, distillation, sale, transportation, distribution, supply, possession, and consumption of any alcoholic beverage including “Akpeteshie”, palm wine and fermented liquors;
- Assist to provide for the control, regulation, inspection, supervision and licensing of: social halls, dance halls and places of entertainment; hotels, rest-houses, lodging and eating houses; and premises or lands where a profession, occupation, trade or business is carried out.